Drypoint with Splanna! (Falmouth Art Gallery)

Drypoint with Splanna! (Falmouth Art Gallery)

Splanna is a fantastic community youth group who meet at Falmouth Art Gallery. I was thrilled when they invited me along to run a printmaking workshop thinking about their manifesto messages and how we could make them into images. 

The group had come up with the words for their manifesto in a previous workshop and we set about using drypoint to create artwork around these messages. Everyone worked incredibly hard to design, create and print their plates within a 1.5 hour session (amongst many discussions about Dr Who - mostly universal agreement that Jodie Whittaker and Peter Capaldi weren't given the best storylines)

Afterwards we had chips and celebrated birthdays within the group. I thoroughly enjoyed myself and Sarah and Willow, were the best technicians anyone could ask for!

Well done Splanna! I hope I can work with you again soon. To find out more about the group: https://www.falmouthtowncouncil.co.uk/category/falmouthartgallery/resident/splanna/



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